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Eera event 22 March 2023 - Karlsruhe

VIPERLAB roadmapping workshop for perovskite PV technology development and harmonization in Europe


Introduction of the workshop and the VIPERLAB project

Part 1  – Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) on single-junction perovskite PV: In September 2022, a first  Viperlab workshop on "a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for perovskite PV modules" was held in Milano, Italy during the EU-PVSEC conference. Starting from last year's drafted European Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Photovoltaics of EERA-PV and ETIP-PV, the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the development of single-junction perovskite PV in Europe for 2030 were adapted at this first workshop. In this follow-up workshop, we will define a clear roadmap and timeline on how to reach these KPIs by 2030.

Part 2 – Harmonization Challenges: In the VIPERLAB project, three strategic workshops (WS) are organised to determine and communicate the main harmonization/standardization challenges that need to be solved to accelerate large-scale industrialization of perovskite PV technologies. The first WS was organized on the 14th and 15th of September 2022 in Vienna, Austria. Amongst others, this WS resulted in a common understanding that further work is needed to improve harmonization activities regarding device characterization and -processing, sample exchange, reporting and (special) applications, respectively. To address this and develop a clear timeline and clear priorities, this second VIPERLAB WS will be focused towards “harmonization roadmapping”.

Summary and Next Steps

Practical information


22 Mar 2023


9:00 AM - 12:30 PM


KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
